Horse riding in the Tuscan hills.

In another life; before I joined the team at Le Baccanti. I was a horse trekking guide here in Tuscany.My husband and I spent four years leading travellers around Tuscany on horseback, from the Mugello to Volterra with everything inbetween.At Le Baccanti there is a common horsey theme running through the office. Both Benedetta and I have horses, and Vanessa and Filippo's kids also ride. It seemed logical to incorporate horseback adventures into the Baccanti customized tour resume.Utilizing the contacts gathered over the many years I rode throughout Italy, we have put together a smart lineup of horse riding trips that will all be online by early 2012.

For those that have never considered a horseback vacation, this is an excellent way to get off the beaten track.Utilizing the old trails used by medieval soldiers and Catholic pilgrims, horse riding is an eco friendly 'resposible' travel option. This unique experience allows you, as a visitor to truly immerse yourself in the culture of the area.For the more experienced rider, there is the chance to enjoy invigorating canters through fields of spring flowers, filled with pretty butterflies and the Tuscan sun warming your back. Riders looking for a relaxing, serene experience are guaranteed lovely laid back horses, and safe non 'cowboy' guides.A horseback holiday doesn't have to mean a dusty ranch and low key accommodation - it can also be a luxury holiday in beautiful rooms adorned with art and tastefully decorated. Meals shoudnt be bland, you should be tasting the best of the local regional fare, and enjoying great company and local wine while your at it!We have visited the centers ourselves to guarantee the quality of the horses and rides on offer. You should arrive at a farm and never ever have to worry that the guides are inexperienced, or worse, that the horses are neglected.Our trips have guides that are qualified with the Italian equine tourism authorities and are safe and considerate. The horses are sound, happy and well cared for, as is the tack that they use.If you have never experienced a horse riding holiday, why not consider a long weekend in Tuscany first, and once your hooked (were sure you will love it) you can look into a wonderful full week vacation, riding inn to inn from one ancient village to another.Many years ago I did a radio interview on BBC travel.A couple from the UK heard this interview, and decided they wanted to give a horse riding holiday a go. They were both beginners, a little advanced in age - but they had adventurous spirits and a love of Italian food and culture.For 9 months they took weekly lessons in preparation for their trip, which was planned to coincide with their thirtieth wedding anniversary. They completed the full weeks ride (6 days of challenging riding from Florence to Vicchio) and made some great memories to tell the grandkids about.Here below are a few pics of their vacation in 2008.[caption id="attachment_3321" align="aligncenter" width="433" caption="Fiesole horse riding"][/caption][caption id="attachment_3323" align="aligncenter" width="786" caption="Mugello Horse riding landscapes"][/caption][caption id="attachment_3331" align="aligncenter" width="679" caption="Setting up the paddock - with a cold beer"][/caption]If your tempted, do send us an email, or give us a call. We would be happy to discuss our trips with you and answer any horsey questions!!
Unione Europea
Repubblica Italiana
Regione Toscana

This company beneficiated by the financial support of the Tuscany Region for the development of internationalization initiatives
bando POR CREO FESR 2014-2020 – Azione 3.4.2 "Incentivi all’acquisto di servizi a supporto dell’internazionalizzazione in favore delle PMI” per la concessione delle delle PMI toscane operanti nei settori del manifatturiero (sub azione a) agevolazioni a sostegno dell’export - anno 2017