Teambuilding in Chianti Classico: Wine and Pasta

If your guests don't want miss out on the opportunity on a spellbinding wine tour in Chianti Classico but would also like to experience the excitement in learning how to make fresh pasta by hand, you can have the best of both worlds with Le Baccanti luxury food and wine corporate events.From Siena or from Florence, the wine and pasta teambuilding event will be like entering into a scene from Under the Tuscan Sun and your guests will become the protagonists. The day will involve first visiting a prestigious winery in Chianti Classico, where after a stroll through the vineyards and learning about all the phases of wine production, the participants will be have the opportunity to enjoy a Sangiovese wine tasting- the king of grapes in the Chianti Classico region!The ride from the winery to the next venue is short, but nevertheless your guests will be mesmerized by the panoramic Tuscan hills and will be greeted with a smile by the chef who guides them through the secrets of pasta making!Le Baccanti has been designing corporate events, travel incentive programs and culinary team building in Tuscany and throughout Italy for over a decade. Contact us or visit our corporate events section to learn more.
Unione Europea
Repubblica Italiana
Regione Toscana

This company beneficiated by the financial support of the Tuscany Region for the development of internationalization initiatives
bando POR CREO FESR 2014-2020 – Azione 3.4.2 "Incentivi all’acquisto di servizi a supporto dell’internazionalizzazione in favore delle PMI” per la concessione delle delle PMI toscane operanti nei settori del manifatturiero (sub azione a) agevolazioni a sostegno dell’export - anno 2017