BOB NOTO is an Italian photographer, specialized in food and wine. His photos are real portraits of food that transmit a feeling of composed pleasure and mostly a sense of subtile, impercettible but efficacious irony. He usually shoots euroliveeuro, in not more than 2euro30euro, as soon as the dish arrives on the table, without the support of food-look consultants or art-directors. His works are now published by magazines specializing in food and wine (like the Italian euroGambero Rossoeuro monthly magazine) and also appear on special sections online (one on euroLo Mejor de la Gastronomiaeuro and the other on euroIdentit Goloseeuro), and two books published by Giunti have been just released: euroCraccoeuro, a monograph dedicated to the Italian famous chef, Carlo Cracco, and euroGrandi Chef di Spagnaeuro (Great Chefs From Spain), where he tells about the best 10 contemporary Spanish chefs through his pictures.An exclusive interview to Bob Noto made by journalist Serena Guidobaldi, also member of our team, is available online.