PRODUCTION METHODSCleaned cacao beans are roasted at between 120C and 140C and subsequently crushed to powder. Cacao butter and other ingredients - sugar, spices, chopped fruits and/or nuts - are added to this and various processes of kneading, heating and moulding give the product the desired consistency. European industry standards generally adhere to the following contents ratios in percentage by weight of pure cacao: Very Bitter 70%, Extra Bitter 60%, Fine Bitter (surfin) 50%, Middle Sweet (mi-doux) 38%, Milk Chocolate 30%, White Chocolate 20%. Common parlance recognises three kinds of chocolate. Fine bitter, which is ort should be very dark brown and shiny with reddish veins and a vanilla aroma; Milk chocolate, light brown and a stronger vanilla odour; and White chocolate, light yellowish in colour and an aroma more milky and buttery. All good chocolate should bite off crisply and soften quickly in the mouth, leaving a pleasant coating on the palate. After the first impact of sweetness, especially from white chocolate, should follow a veil of slight acidity and bitterness typical of bitter chocolate. AREAS OF PRODUCTION Italian chocolate production has long been centred in Piedmont, but in the last dozen years Tuscany has undergone a great surge of high-quality establishments, with the provinces of Pisa, Pistoia, Prato and Florence in the lead. Renowned firms, all of equal quality, arePaul DeBondt in Pisa; he organises eurochocolate dinners and holds teaching courses in his establishment and on tour throughout Tuscany. Amedei in Pontedera in Pisa province, sole importers of Venezuelan chuao beans and producers of cioccolatini alla napoletana are found in Italyeuros best gourmet shops. Trinci of Cascine di Buti in Pisa province, who also make a very good coffee drink. Roberto Catinari of Agliana in Pistoia province, one of the Tuscan chocolate pioneers. Andrea Slitti of Monsummano in Pistoia province, known for outstanding praline. Luca Mannori of Prato, a pastry baker of Europe-wide fame, creator of the euroSeventh Veil Cakeeuro composed of seven different kinds of chocolate. Caff Pasticceria Rivoire in Florenceeuros Piazza della Signoria. Salza of Pisa, in Borgo Stretto.Copyright Le Baccanti Tours 2004-2007 - All rights reserved Do not copy, this site is monitored weekly
Unione Europea
Repubblica Italiana
Regione Toscana

This company beneficiated by the financial support of the Tuscany Region for the development of internationalization initiatives
bando POR CREO FESR 2014-2020 – Azione 3.4.2 "Incentivi all’acquisto di servizi a supporto dell’internazionalizzazione in favore delle PMI” per la concessione delle delle PMI toscane operanti nei settori del manifatturiero (sub azione a) agevolazioni a sostegno dell’export - anno 2017