Taste: Foodie Event in Florence in March

Another great foodie event in Florence!!From 12th to 14th March 2011, at the Stazione Leopolda in Florence, Pitti Immagine check out Tastea foodie extravaganza officially dedicated to excellence in taste and food lifestyles.For more information check out:http://www.pittimmagine.com/en/corporate/fairs/taste.htmlWhy not turn this event into a foodie weekend, let us know and we will find the perfect hotel and suggest a few great excursions out into the Tuscan countryside just to top it off!
Unione Europea
Repubblica Italiana
Regione Toscana

This company beneficiated by the financial support of the Tuscany Region for the development of internationalization initiatives
bando POR CREO FESR 2014-2020 – Azione 3.4.2 "Incentivi all’acquisto di servizi a supporto dell’internazionalizzazione in favore delle PMI” per la concessione delle delle PMI toscane operanti nei settori del manifatturiero (sub azione a) agevolazioni a sostegno dell’export - anno 2017