Cinta senese, euroSienese belteuro, is the name given to a species of pigs marked by a broad white eurobelteuro or cinta running over their otherwise dark brown bodies from flank to flank across their backs. They may be seen in many illustrations from the thirteenth century on-ward, the most famous being Ambrosio LorenzettIeuros 1338 fresco LeuroAllegiora del Buon Governo in Sienaeuros Palazzo Comunale or Town Hall. Until after World War Two most peasants around Siena raised them in pens and made their own hams and salamis, but with the gradual demise of share-cropping agriculture, the depopulation of the countryside and the introduction of commercially bred white and pink pigs, the venerable cintas risked extinction. The revival of interest in traditional and gourmet foods in the last ten years or so seems to have saved them for the moment, though they are reared in only a few specialised small-scale piggeries.Left to scavenge on their own in woods and scrub lands, the cintas live mainly on acorns. Their flesh is therefore solid, tasty, well veined with fat and ideal for making salamis.. Roasted or boiled, too, it surpasses normal pork in pleasant texture and flavour. Some gourmets like it medium-rare, which is normally taboo for pork, but there has been no known case of trichinosis among cintas for over ninety years.